Setting up Admission Setting

Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, and select ‘Admission‘. Then, click the ‘Admission Settings’. An Admission page will open. Step 2: On this page, click the ‘Add Admission’ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show. Step 3: Select the ‘Semester’ from the Semester drop-down menu. Step 4: Select […]

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Setting up School Branches

Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, and select ‘Branch’. A Branch Settings page will open. Step 2: On this page, click the ‘Add Branch’ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show. Step 3: Fill up the following fields: ‘Branch Name’, ‘Branch Code’, ‘Branch Address’, ‘School Contact Number’, ‘Region’, […]

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Setting up Student Categories

Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, and select ‘Student Categories‘. A Student Categories page will open. Step 2: On this page, click the ‘Add Category’ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show. Step 3: Enter the ‘Student Category’ name. (e.g., College and Senior High School). Step 4: Enter […]

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Setting up Admission Requirements

Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, and select ‘Admission’. After that, select the ‘Admission Requirement’. An Admission Requirement Settings page will open. Step 2: On this page, click the ‘Add Requirement’ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show. Step 3: Enter the ‘Particular’ name. (e.g., Form 138/Report Card, […]

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Setting up Modalities

How to Setup Modalities? Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, and select ‘Modality‘. A Modality Settings page will open. Step 2: On this page, click the ‘Add Modality’ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show. Step 3: Enter the ‘Modality Name’ and ‘Modality Code’. Then, click the ‘Save’ […]

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Setting up Admission Type

How to Setup Admission Type? Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, select ‘Admission’. Then, click the ‘Admission Type’. An Admission Type Settings page will show. Step 2: On the Admission Type Settings page, click the ‘Add Admission Type’ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show. Step 3: Enter […]

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Enrollment Terms and Condition

How to Setup Terms and Conditions? Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, and select the ‘Terms and Conditions’. A Terms and Conditions Settings page will open. Step 2: On this page, click the ‘Add Terms and Conditions‘ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show. Step 3: Select ‘Student […]

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Academic Year and Semester

How to Setup the Academic Year? Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, and select ‘Academic Year‘. Under Academic Year, click the ‘Academic Year’. An Academic Year page will show. Step 2: On the Academic Year page, click the ‘Add Year‘ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show. Step […]

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