Step 1: On the side navigation bar, go to Settings, and select the ‘Curriculum’. A Curriculum Settings page will open.

Step 2: On this page, select the curriculum to set up the subjects. On the right side of the curriculum settings page, there are five different action buttons. It includes ‘Manage Sections’, ‘Manage Subjects’, ‘Additional Info’, ‘Edit Curriculum’, and ‘Delete Curriculum’.

Step 3: Click the ‘Manage Subjects’ (orange button) from the action buttons of the curriculum. A Manage Subjects page will open.

Step 4: On the Manage Subject page, click the ‘Add Subject’ button on the upper-right side. A pop-up window will show.

Step 5: Select the ‘Subject’ that belongs to the curriculum from the Subject drop-down menu. (Required)

Step 6: Uncheck the ‘Use Subject Code Instead’ if the institution has a different subject code on the same subjects in every curriculum. It will allow the user to enter an alias for the subject code. (Optional)

Step 7: Select the ‘Year Level’ from the Year Level drop-down menu in which the subject falls. (Required)

Step 8: Select the ‘Semester’ from the Semester drop-down menu in which the subject falls. (Required)

Step 9: Enter the total units by specifying the number of lectures and laboratory hours for the subject. (Required)

Step 10: Check the ‘Add to sections’ checkbox if the institution wishes to include the subjects on the COR (Certificate of Registration) of the students. (Optional)

Step 11: Once completed, click the ‘Save’ button.

Capable Roles: Admin, Registrar